(function () { var unit = 200, //波の縦幅 数値を上げると高さが出る 20170920 y.sato canvas, context, canvas2, context2, height, width, xAxis, yAxis, draw; /** * Init function. * * Initialize variables and begin the animation. */ function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("sineCanvas"); canvas.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; //Canvasのwidthをウィンドウの幅に合わせる canvas.height = 300; context = canvas.getContext("2d"); height = canvas.height; width = canvas.width; xAxis = Math.floor(height/2); yAxis = 0; draw(); } /** * Draw animation function. * * This function draws one frame of the animation, waits 20ms, and then calls * itself again. */ function draw() { // キャンバスの描画をクリア context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); //波を描画 drawWave('#FFFFFF', 1, 1.5, 0); //3つ目の数値変更で画面内に表示される波の数が変わる 20170920 y.sato // Update the time and draw again draw.seconds = draw.seconds + .009; draw.t = draw.seconds*Math.PI; setTimeout(draw, 25); //波のスピード 小さいと早い 20170920 y.sato }; draw.seconds = 0; draw.t = 0; /** * 波を描画 * drawWave(色, 不透明度, 波の幅のzoom, 波の開始位置の遅れ) */ function drawWave(color, alpha, zoom, delay) { context.fillStyle = color; context.globalAlpha = alpha; context.beginPath(); //パスの開始 drawSine(draw.t / 0.5, zoom, delay); context.lineTo(width + 10, height); //パスをCanvasの右下へ context.lineTo(0, height); //パスをCanvasの左下へ context.closePath() //パスを閉じる context.fill(); //塗りつぶす } /** * Function to draw sine * * The sine curve is drawn in 10px segments starting at the origin. * drawSine(時間, 波の幅のzoom, 波の開始位置の遅れ) */ function drawSine(t, zoom, delay) { // Set the initial x and y, starting at 0,0 and translating to the origin on // the canvas. var x = t; //時間を横の位置とする var y = Math.sin(x)/zoom; context.moveTo(yAxis, unit*y+xAxis); //スタート位置にパスを置く // Loop to draw segments (横幅の分、波を描画) for (i = yAxis; i <= width + 10; i += 10) { x = t+(-yAxis+i)/unit/zoom; y = Math.sin(x - delay)/3; context.lineTo(i, unit*y+xAxis); } } init(); })();